City Car Driving 2.0 – Developer Diaries #3

The third diary will be devoted to an integral component of CCD: training in the rules of the road.
As in the original City Car Driving, you will have a number of useful exercises that will help to master driving at a good level.

As in the original City Car Driving, you will have a number of useful exercises that will help to master driving at a good level.
In CCD 2.0 Autodrom is designed from the point of view of consistent passage of all exercises. At the same time, you can independently choose an element that you want to study.

Autodrome is an important part of the gameplay with somewhat expanded functionality, compared to the original CCD. At the autrod will be available:

  • The ability to perform exercises to honing driving skills with subsequent assessment
  • Exercising exercises only those in which you are interested, without an assessment system
  • Go through the whole set of exercises for evaluation

There are many interactive objects on the Avtodrome, thanks to them, you will understand when you make a mistake. Or you can just arrange a crash test of your car.

Fulfillment of the tasks, leads to the exam in the city. For novice drivers, this system will help prepare for full participation in the life of the road.

#1 entrance to the hill

On the Avtodrome, the hill is a hill with a slope of 12 °. For all the requirements, we must call on the highest point, stop, and then gently move out.

#2 snakes

An exercise in which you need to maneuver on an extremely smooth trajectory without touching the cones. Snake is one of the most interesting classic exercises in preparing for driving in the city.

#3 U -turn in limited space

We approach complex exercises, by this moment, you will need to truly feel your transport.

#4 Entrance to the box entrance

Fixing maneuvering skills exercise, helping to finally get used to the dimensions of transport.

#5 Parallel Parking

This exercise is a small test of all your driving skills. For more immersion in the process, on the autrod there are models of cars that simulate real road users.

  • In addition to exercises, in CCD 2.0. The emphasis on compliance with the rules of the road will be maintained?

Yes, we consider traffic rules one of the important components of gameplay, and try to deepen the interaction of the player and traffic rules.

  • Sounds will be in the original CCD, or changed?

With the transition to UE – sounds in the game will be changed.

He will remain with the players, in the form to which they are accustomed, we do not replace, and even more so do not take the game from people. We do not exclude the possibility of small updates for the original City Car Driving, but now all forces are concentrated on the development of City Car Driving 2.0.

  • Support for Steam Workshop is planned?

Yes. We want to give people the opportunity to share their own modifications with maximum convenience.

  • There will be the opportunity to flexibly configure the density of traffic, the number of pedestrians, weather conditions as in the original CCD?

No, we try to give new experience to all users, so we try another approach. For example, the weather is now dynamic, and we will talk about traffic in a special diary dedicated to transport.

  • In CCD 2.0. It is planned to introduce motorcycles?

In early access – definitely not.

  • A system of fatigue, hunger, and so on are planned?

No, we consider this unnecessary complication for a real and living person who yourself needs to relax and eat, especially when playing a car symbulator, where you need to concentrate your attention.

In the next issue, we will talk a little about the game world, show several screenshots of filling the locations, and talk about the approach to Leoel Design.

Development diaries come out every two weeks, in them we talk in detail about the development of the game. Do not miss!